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St.Xavier’s English Medium School

Halim Chowk , Kajlamani, Qadamrasool Road

"Purnea Catholic Society" is a religious minority institution and is the part of the "Catholic Diocese of Purnea". It was established in the year 1993. The founding members envisaged the formation of such a Society for the development and better outreach programs in the field of Socio-economic, Education, Religious, Cultural, and Disaster so on and so forth. Purnea Catholic Society is a registered Society under the Registration Act 21, 1860, Registration No. 360/1993-1994. The Society at the time of its formation, had limited interventions as there were just a few units in Purnea Commissionery. Its primary working area is the Purnea Commissionery, comprising of Araria, Katihar, Kishanganj and Purnea districts in Bihar. The PCS functioned in a very small way at the beginning but continued adhering to its goals and objectives in its interventions. The Society gradually stepped into various ministries/ works as it grew eventually.

The Catholic Diocese of Purnea is headed by the Local Ordinary, the Bishop of Purnea. The Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Purnea is the Ex-officio President of the Society. He functions with his team of Consulters in carrying out his mission work in the specified operational fields. The Society has seen gradual development in the years past and continues its good work in addressing the needs of the time and place. There are number of units in the said demarcated area especially in the fields of religious, education, health and social works. The Society takes care, on the priority basis, of the neglected communities at the margin.

"Purnea Catholic Society" is a Christian minority institution belonging to Roman Catholic Church under the direct purview of the Vatican. The establishment of Purnea Catholic Diocese is small unit of the Universal Roman Catholic Church, which is guided and directed by the Roman Pontiff, the Pope as the Supreme Head in the matters of faith and belief. There are mission stations in Purnea Diocese which are under the jurisdiction of the Local Ordinary, the Bishop of Purnea Catholic Diocese. The most important commandment by the Lord: "Love your neighbour as you love yourself" (Mk.12:31).

There are number of units through which various activities are being implemented at different levels. These units are addressing the needs of the locality as per the needs of the time and place. There are educational institutions catering the common population of the place irrespective of caste and creed. The literacy of rural population is a concern of the Society, hence much of the educational institutions are in rural areas. These institutions cater the most vulnerable communities in the area, who are at the margin. The Society is convinced of the importance of education for the rural masses, without which our nation will lag behind the development indicators at all levels. There is much scope for work in this new challenge.

Though the Government functionaries continue to address the needs of the most deprived sections of the society with various interventions, yet the reality indicates that even after such concentrated efforts, there is need to enter into such transformative efforts by the Civil Societies in the areas of developmental sectors. The Purnea Catholic Society therefore joins hand in addressing the needs of the people in the health sector. The focused communities often are deprived of good services only because of their limits. The herbal treatments which used to be day to day accessibility for such deprived communities being neglected therefore there are steps to enhance such rich heritage of the rural masses.

The area specific that the Society is functional is disaster prone; it is well known fact. The Purnea Catholic Society has the credit of working for the affected communities due to natural calamities in the past. Though such interventions are in its small capacity but the identifications of the deserving community and families have been meticulous. In such as these unprecedented situations/ calamities, work is always challenging but the Society has always been supported by the Government functionaries and likeminded Civil Societies in the implementation of such humanitarian programs.

Over the past two and half decades the PCS have successfully discerned, the content and method of their ministries. We need to discern our ministries which will give outer and inner freedom to our people. Though there are satisfactory ministries in the years past with the limited resources and yet lots to do in the years ahead. PCS believes in God's work and human endeavour going hand in hand!

The Purnea Catholic Society does have its assessments of the ongoing activities periodically as and when it is needed. There has been satisfactory implementation of these interventions which has been timely evaluated either by external or internal agencies/ bodies. St. Peter's School is one of the units of the Society which is established in Purnea. It is guided by the Society in the running of the prestigious institute for our urban population. Today SPS is one of the well known educational institutes in Purnea, where it stands for its objectives in the formation of our future citizens with necessary aptitudes required in the given situations. Our Lord says, "Let the children come to me and do not stop them, because the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these"( Matt.19:14). While we cherish on its achievements, we do express our deep felt gratitude to everyone who have been part and partial in making this educational institute what it stands for.

May the Good Lord bless the institute with abundant blessings and graces so as to be able to continue the good work in this place of intervention!